Sunday, November 7, 2010

Skinny jeans

For the last year or two, I have been loving the skinny-jeans-tucked-into-boots look. However, last year I was in no position a year ago to be wearing skinny jeans. Let's face it, all jeans were skinny on me a year ago at 35 weeks pregnant! Well the baby weight has come off and I got my very first pair at Banana Republic recently, during a discount day, and I have to say that I'm sold! Tucked into my also new brown leather riding boots, I have to say it's a pretty cute look.

Yes, I am wearing two things I once said I'd never wear again - skinny jeans and higher-waisted jeans. I'm not going so far as to be accepting jeggings just yet though but I hear they're comfortable!


  1. ooh--I cannot wait to see you in these! Where is the picture of you in them instead of a stock photo? :)

  2. Haha, I was wondering if someone would say something about that! I should take a picture to post, shouldn't I? I plan to wear them on Friday, so I'll try to remember to take a picture then!
