Dear Barrett -
You are now 1 year + 1 month. You have been a one year old for all of one month now and what a month it's been. You still look the same to me but I know you're growing. You still have little legs, but they are working hard on making you mobile, little or not. You are still racing through the house behind that little walker of yours and will push anything you can to help you get around - chairs, toys, kitchen stools. And the biggest change of all is that you're now walking with our hands. Yay! You used to get jelly legs whenever we'd try that, but now you have conceded that maybe it'll be fun to walk on your own and you cross rooms now with those little hands of yours in ours. I think you may have a while before you walk unassisted, but I know it's coming. You have had quite a few bruises on your forehead this past month, as you are so eager to be up and mobile, but we're still working on the balance thing. I hate seeing you take tumbles but I know that it's a part of toddlerhood.
You are such a social little butterfly. When we're at home, you are so tied to us. You love being around mommy and daddy and get upset when we leave the room or don't pay attention to you (especially mommy, which makes me feel very loved!) but as soon as we're around other people, you are off playing without a look back. You especially love being with the older kids and watching everything they do. You have a smile for everyone and are such a happy little guy. You manage to charm everyone we come across.
This month was tough because you were sick, starting from your 1st birthday on January 1. I hope this isn't a sign of your year to come as a 1 year old! We've battled RSV, an ear infection, and pink eye. You've battled through it like a champ though. You also are getting your molars in and those are some big boys!
While Mommy and Daddy worked a ton of hours the first week of January, Mimi was here to take care of you during the day. We are so glad she was here! I don't know what we would have done without her here because of all the hours we worked and how sick you were. She took good care of you though and by the end of the week, you were starting to be back to your normal playful self.
This month you have discovered your great love of books! Yay! I am so happy about that. Now you're always bringing books for us to read to you. Your favorites are the Peekabo books, Baby Talk and I Love You Through and Through. You love the little baby who's hungry and always making smacking noises when you see her eating. You love flipping the pages. We read the same books over and over (and over and over!) but that is okay because I love having you on my lap and loving books.
It's been a fun month, my little toddler!
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