Tuesday, September 14, 2010

100 days

1. In 100 days, my little baby Bear will be 1 year old. Huh?!?! And in just two weeks he will be out in the world as long as he was in my belly. This is craziness. I cannot believe that he's nearly 1 year old. I feel like he should be around 5 months, not 9. I feel like his babyhood is coming to an end. Now he's crawling all over the place, eating food, not nursing as much, and starting to seem so much more like a little boy, instead of a baby. Why is it that the older we get, the faster time seems to go?

2. Along those same lines, Payton, our darling and crazy puppy, turned 3 last week. He was our first "child" and so many people told us that everything would change once we had a baby and that our dog would be neglected and become an annoyance. Happily, he brings just as much fun and joy to our lives and the day we brought him home. He's not exactly sure what to think of the intruder in our house and I think he still longs for the days when he was an only child, but he still gets lots of love and attention and the two boys have started to play tug of war together. Although we did get Barrett a Sophie toy and Payton is convinced that it's his and we just are teasing him by not giving it to him. So we can't leave the toy unattended or poor Sophie would be ripped to shreds in 10 seconds. He may be cute, but he's definitely destructive!

A blast from the past of little Payton when we first got him. He's quadrupled in size since then, and half of which is probably fur!

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