I'll give you a hint...
Yes, that's right, we started POTTYTRAINING!
So when I make a decision to do something, I go all out. Clearly evidenced by the above picture. I get mildly obsessive and determined and potty training is no different. Enough so that I was still singing Elmo's potty songs in my head the rest of the week "You can do it, you'll use the potty!" And every single one of my dreams the night following involved potty chairs, peeing, accidents, etc. I'm surprised I didn't wet the bed with all that I was thinking about urine.
My mom swore by Potty Training in One Day. She swears it worked for me and so I decided to give it a try. We had bought Barrett some underwear a few months ago and talked to him about going in the potty. He sat on it every day at daycare when the other kids did, would jump up and say "I did it!" but he hadn't done anything. We backed off a little and set a date for when we would try. I got the book about one day potty training from the library, along with a bunch of other children's books and dvds. So we had a plan. I was really nervous leading up to it, since I hadn't done it before and wasn't sure I knew what I was really doing. Barrett is super smart but can also be quite strong-willed so it could be either a hit or a bust.
What I did: I bought juice, fun straws, multiple packs of stickers, balloons and streamers to decorate the bathroom and make it a fun experience, and m&ms. I also bought a Potty Scotty doll. This is an anatomically correct wet-and-drink doll; I cringed while ordering it due to the hefty price tag (like $40) but I figured with Barrett not really understanding what was supposed to happen on the toilet, the doll would help. Plus that's the price of a pack of diapers, so if it worked, we'd be saving money in the long run, right?
But thankfully it's all paying off because Barrett is doing AMAZING. The gist is that the morning is spent concentrating on "potty training" the doll. So Scotty had accidents, went in the potty and got stickers and treats all morning. Meanwhile I pumped Barrett full of juice. Just before lunch, Barrett started saying he wanted to go so sure enough, he did! The first time I saw him go on the potty, I almost cried. Yes, seriously. And he has continued to go since then.
Now, a week later, he has gone without an accident for the last few days. I am so proud. I really think we did this at exactly the right time, that the doll was key and that he's just a smart little cookie who wants to please us (sometimes).
We're not there yet but are on the right track and I'm thrilled with his progress. I really never thought he'd take to it so easily so I am relieved. I'm sure I'm jinxing it by saying this, of course. Hoping he keeps this great progress up!
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