Saturday, August 14, 2010

Millions of Peaches, Peaches for me

In the last two weeks I have been a mini-Martha Stewart. I have made: pureed peach baby food, peach ice cream, peach jam and have 4 frozen bags of peach slices in my freezer, ready to be used for cobblers and ice cream. Hmm, what is the theme of this cooking?

Thanks to our peach tree in the backyard, we had stacks of peaches in the last week. It was absolutely awesome. The first year we moved in, Tim was mowing the lawn late summer and happened to find one laying on the ground. He brought it in and said "Look what I found. I think that tree out back might be a peach tree." Little did we know the next year the entire tree would be pretty much orange from all the peaches. The next two years we didn't get any, due to wet and cold spring weather but this year, we were happy to see all the peaches again. This peach tree was the one good thing the previous owners did for this house.

We took a bunch in to co-workers and to Barrett's daycare teachers and still had plenty to eat and freeze. Barrett is a big fan of the peaches too. I think they might be his new favorite food. Tonight, when I made him peaches with oatmeal mixed in, he actually cried when they were done, funny boy. We're looking forward to enjoying all the wonderful peaches through the fall and into winter!

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