Friday, July 15, 2011

Pregnancy - 22 weeks

I'd really like to write weekly updates but I just can't seem to do this more than every other week. I know I'll regret it later, just like I regret not doing weekly journaling/pictures the first time around too. I love seeing these posts from other people and comparing my belly to theirs at each milestone, but I can't get myself in gear to remember to take enough pictures! I am trying try to be better.

Baby girl is about 11 inches and she now weighs about a pound. She is getting bigger and definitely making me get bigger while she's at it.
I'm starting to feel more pregnant. You know, the pains along the side of my abdomen when I stand up too quickly, getting harder to bend over and pick up things, and the heaviness in the belly.

I'm also starting to get The Questions. You know, names, nursery, etc. I am realizing how far behind we are. I need to get on the ball as far as ordering a dresser, a twin bed for Big Bro, and starting to think about decorating. Why do I have the feeling this child will be stuck in the Pack and Play until she's a toddler? Oh, poor, poor second child! I have to try to motivate Tim to get ourselves to a furniture store and start shopping.

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: hmm, maybe around 12, I'm guessing? maybe a few more than that.
Maternity clothes? yes. I somehow am still wearing non-maternity jeans, although there are only a few left that I can fit into and they definitely don't button. I am carrying very high, so I'm still getting away with the lower rise pants. It's so funny how something fits just fine one day and three days later just doesn't!
Stretch marks? None. I'm faithfully applying Palmer's belly butter to my belly every night. I know people say stretch marks are hereditary and it doesn't matter what you do, but I applied cream to them the first time around and avoided them, so I'm not going to mess around this time either!
Sleep? okay. I have started to really try to sleep on my side, rather than my back, since this is the time that it's recommended to change for improved blood flow. I do miss the back sleeping though...
Movement? A very active week for little girl! She definitely is making her presence known lately. I saw a few minutes of "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" on TLC the other night and I can't believe these women can disregard these movements. I'm only 22 weeks now but I am definitely feeling this active little girl rumbling and tumbling!
Food cravings? no change, still fruits
Gender? girl!
Belly button in or out? In. but flattening!
What I miss: buttoning my pants
What I'm looking forward to: getting the nursery started. But what I'm not looking forward to: cleaning out the guest room and closet!
Milestones: another appointment this week - baby's heartrate was 140 and music to my ears.

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